



New York.
Paintings on plastic, 3 dimensional objects and photography from 1985.
The images below are from three separate exhibitions in 1985.
Shrouds was included in a group show, at 303 Gallery in May.
In the fall, a two-part solo exhibition at Vox Populi, Objective Work opened in September, followed by Non-Objective Work in October.

Objective Work, Vox Populi Gallery, September 1985. In all cases, the text in the painting is the title.
6 x 4 1/2 feet each, oil on clear vinyl.

(Clicking on the image will enlarge it in a new JavaScript popup window.)
Installation and The Planets
install planet1 planet2 planet3 planet4 git


World 1 and World 2, 1985, 3ft. diameter hemisphere, oil on cast plaster.


I AM THE AM THAT AM, 1985, 14ft. x 1ft. 6in. x 1ft. 6in., oil on aluminum litho plates on foam core armature.
(with grouping of minature cast plaster versions - oil on plaster.)
that1 that2 that3 that4 that5 that6 that7


Non-Objective Work, Vox Populi Gallery, October 1985.

AS WAS, IS NOW, SHALL BE, 1985, 3 panels, 6ft. x 4ft.6in.(each), oil on vinyl.
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Untitled, 1985, 2 panels, 36in. x 28in.(each), oil on vinyl.
BAD MAN, BAD GOD - 1985, 2 panels, 6ft. x 4ft.6in.(each), oil on vinyl.
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I AM, THE AM, THAT AM - 1985, 3 panels, 6ft. x 13ft.6in. (overall), oil on vinyl.



Shrouds - 1985, (five panels, 2ft. x 8ft. each), photographic image on photo-sensitized cotton muslin.
shroud1 shroud2 shroud3 shroud4 shroud5 shrouds
Shrouds was exhibited at the 303 Gallery as part of a group exhibition in May of 1985.


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